Three common causes of rising BUN without serum crt rise are: ( in setting of normal GFR)
1. Steroid use
2. GI bleed
3. Tetracycline use
The third one is interesting. In 1972, experiments showed that rise in BUN was seen in some patients that got tetracyclines. The reason was due to anti anabolic effects of these class of drugs on amino acid incorportation into protein. Next time, you give democlocycline for SIADH, watch the BUN
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Consult Rounds: Vancomycin induced renal toxicity
Why are
we noticing more vancomycin induced renal injury these days? Is it because we
are using more vancomycin as there are more resistant bugs or the trough levels
have been raised to higher limits? Vancomycin-associated nephrotoxicity was reported
in 0% to 5% of patients in the 1980s. Initially, the first few reports many years ago
of vancomycin induced renal damage was presumed to be from the impurities it
carried that used to be called "Mississippi
failures following vancomycin therapy in patients with methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus infections have led to the utilization of higher doses of
this antibiotic to achieve the trough concentrations of 10-20 μg/mL recommended
by the Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guideline. Vancomycin-induced
renal toxicity was reported in 10-20 % and 30-40 % of patients following
conventional and high doses of vancomycin therapy, respectively . Injury
appears to be oxidative stress related.
level >20
Over 4g/day dose
Concomitant nephrotoxin on board
>7 days of treatment
ICU admission
Over 4g/day dose
Concomitant nephrotoxin on board
>7 days of treatment
ICU admission
Another study
found rates of dialysis higher as well in those cases, but most reversible
is the pathology in most of these cases?
Accelerated ATN ( as some authors called it)
Accelerated ATN ( as some authors called it)
( can be from any drug)
Consult Rounds,
drug toxicities
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
In The News: Patients know better
Two boston unit patients were asked about their perceptions on their prognosis and their likelihood of transplantation. With a chart review and a survey of both patients and their nephrologists, the authors compared the physicians expectations of 1 and 5 year survival and transplant candidacy to the patient's expectation.
What did they find?
"In this single center study, patients were more optimistic then their nephrologists regarding survival at 1 and 5 years and transplant candidacy. In their sample, patients' expectations about 1-year survival were more accurate than those of their nephrologists, but their longer-term survival expectations dramatically overestimated even their 2-year survival rates."
There has to be better communication of nephrologists and their patients on dialysis re this perception. As our ability to accurately prognosticate for seriously ill patients continues to advance, we need to learn to be better communicators to our patients.
Check out the full study at JAMA
What did they find?
"In this single center study, patients were more optimistic then their nephrologists regarding survival at 1 and 5 years and transplant candidacy. In their sample, patients' expectations about 1-year survival were more accurate than those of their nephrologists, but their longer-term survival expectations dramatically overestimated even their 2-year survival rates."
There has to be better communication of nephrologists and their patients on dialysis re this perception. As our ability to accurately prognosticate for seriously ill patients continues to advance, we need to learn to be better communicators to our patients.
Check out the full study at JAMA
In The News
Friday, May 24, 2013
Open access journals: is this the future? Or not?
In terms of
high impact journals, nephrology is on the lower end of the impact factor scale
compared to our counterparts in hematology/oncology and cardiology. An emerging option for publishing scientific
data is open access journals. This form
of information sharing is beginning to penetrate the publishing/academic
world. While open access allows for all
to view the article without paying for fees to the journal- are they offering
quality articles? What do nephrologists think about open access journals?
First and
foremost, why would an author want their work published in an open access
Many reasons exist:-
1. Rapid turn-around and availability to the world to view.
2. The manuscript was rejected by traditional journals.
3. E xperiment a different form of publishing.
1. Rapid turn-around and availability to the world to view.
2. The manuscript was rejected by traditional journals.
3. E xperiment a different form of publishing.
Are “non” PubMed
‘able journals in nephrology worthy for consideration of academic promotion? For
now, it is unclear what “promotion” committees thinks of manuscripts that
appears in these journals.
Let’s take a
few of these journals for example:
Plos One:. Interestingly Plos One has a decent
impact factor (4.0 in 2011) and the turnaround time appears to be quick (told
to give review back in 10 days). The peer review is still a standard process
(i.e. blinding reviews) like any other journal.
Great outlet, popular, PubMed’able – but comes with a cost for
publishing in it. Nephrology papers have
been published in these journals. Check
out this interesting commentary by an author. Here is Wikipedia’s view on Plos One
F1000 research: This is the newer journal.
The concept is interesting. Peer review is open (meaning everyone including the
author knows who the reviewer is) and happens after your manuscript is
online. The peer review is open for all
to view and comment as well. Great
outlet, novel concept, they state it is PubMed’able (but I could not do it yet)-
hopefully it’s coming soon. How fair can
a peer review be if this is open for all to review? I think it’s very hard when a review is not
anonymous to be honest in the review. But let’s see what scientists will think
of this journal. Another downside- cost
for publishing in it. Many
have voiced their concerns regarding this journal. Here
is another one.
The table below I created reviews
some common Open access novel journals in nephrology. Be your own judge
Name and Link
Type of
indexed( Y/N)
investigations, basic and clinical, case reports, review articles
US $1950
after acceptance
Original research,
review articles
US $1000 after acceptance
basic and clinical), review, case reports
Cost but
no amount disclosed on website
reports, reviews, images
disclosed on website
Original( basic and clinical), case reports
varied from 900-1300 based on type of article
None I
found on pubmed but on their website it says NIH funded studies will be pub
med indexed
Yes, 500
articles( clinical), reviews, case reports
Yes, US
original articles( clinical)
disclosed on website
Found one
article in 2009 indexed in pubmed, rest not
reports, original articles( clinical), letters
disclosed upfront on website
reports, reviews, original articles( clinical)
US $300
The major concern is damage to the peer review process. Peer
review is extremely important for good science. Eventually a bad paper can be
published somewhere, but sometimes good papers can get published in low impact
journals as well. Publishing quality is
important and unclear to me how the open access is preserving that. PLoS and BioMed Centeral journals are
regarded well among the open journals. Hoax papers
have been published in some open access journals. A list of questionable open access
journals that promotions committee needs to be worried about have been listed
at this website.
Wonder if there is one for nephrology. We should likely come up with a list.
the NY
times had done an interesting article on exploitation of scientists for use
of such journals that charge significant amount for publishing. At least, the
good quality opens mention this up front. Many of the low quality ones later
distinguish themselves. Even Nature
had a dark side talk on this.
So, you
decide what you would do? Would love to hear nephrology community thoughts on
open access
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
GVHD after Kidney transplantation? Can this happen?
mainly associated with allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and
occurs much less frequently after transplantation of immunologically active
solid organs such as liver and small intestine. GVHD after solid organ
transplantation(SOT) is a very rare and frequently lethal complication caused
by the engraftment and proliferation of allograft-associated lymphocytes in the
immunosuppressed recipient, with subsequent immune-mediated attack by
donor-origin effector cells directed against HLA-disparate host tissues. SOT-GVHD
occurs most frequently following small bowel and liver transplantation,
followed by lung and kidney transplantation in decreasing order of frequency. Risk factors for SOT-GVHD are the quantity of lymphoid tissue in the
donor organ, greater degrees of HLA match between donor and recipient
and recipient age over 65 years. Given
there are immune system related tissue when one does solid transplants such as
small bowel or liver is not uncommon.
80 cases of
GVHD after liver transplant were reported in 2008, with published incidence
rates of 1-2%. worldwide. GVHD is the consequence of
an immunologic reaction of engrafted lymphoid cells against the tissues of the
host. It is known that transient lymphocyte chimerism
occurs in recipients of SOT, and in fact it is thought to be necessary for the
establishment of organ tolerance; however, lymphocyte chimerism usually rapidly
decreases over time so that by the third postoperative week not allowing the
risk of GVHD.
Only 4
cases of kidney transplantation
associated GVHD ( what I found) have been reported. Typical symptoms and signs
of GVHD are skin rash, severe diarrhea, and the elevation of total bilirubin,
but these findings were often attributed by drug reactions or infections. These
may make the delay of GVHD diagnosis. The earliest time frame reported is
17 days after transplantation and latest up to 240 days following it. Majority of those cases presented with
diarrhea or rash and 50% mortality.
Specific tests have been used in diagnosis of GVHD. One is
detection of macrochimerism which was defined as more than 1% donor nucleated
cells in the peripheral blood of recipient, and the other is single-tandem
repeat (STR) DNA analysis which quantifies relative amounts of different DNA in
a single tissue sample. A
gastrointestinal source based disease usually reveals apoptotic cells in the
endoscopy or colonoscopy findings.
A recent
article discusses a case report
from Korea. The other 3 cases have been from Japan and USA.
Monday, May 20, 2013
IN the NEWS: The Ott Kidney
A recent article from the Harvard Medical School scientists in Nature shocked the nephrology and transplantation world.
Dr Ott, a CT surgery resident at Harvard, who has bio engineered other organs, along with his team bio engineered a kidney of rat in his lab and then transplanted it to test in the rat and it shows signs of "working"
Dr Ott, a CT surgery resident at Harvard, who has bio engineered other organs, along with his team bio engineered a kidney of rat in his lab and then transplanted it to test in the rat and it shows signs of "working"
The researchers used a shortcut to engineer the kidneys—starting with a scaffold of collagen, which is what remained after living cells were washed away from another rat’s kidney. They then seeded this matrix with a cocktail of cells, including kidney cells from newborn rats, which grew into a functioning organ.
His lab has been working on this for past few years. Check out their website.
A video to their experiment can be found here as well.
Few interesting points from the study.
1. ECM was left in place as a scaffold, and cells were bleeched and then seeding was via giving endothelial cells via artery and epithelial cells via ureter. Perhaps that scafolding is what makes that epithelial cell then become differentiated to a podocyte?- not clear
2. They showed that after perfusion, and transplantation, the kidney made urine.. but GFR was 30 fold lower than the control or cadveric transplantation. Unclear to me what time frame they used to get that CrCl.
3. What about mesangial cells? - how to they form in this structure
4. It was nice they showed polarity of some of the cells- that was cool
5. Proof of concept- nicely done and will lay foundation for many more studies to perfect this idea.
Bravo to the team led by a CT surgeon in making this a headway for us nephrologists and transplant surgeons.
basic science,
kidney transplantation
Monday, May 13, 2013
Nephmadness going along way!!

1. It was fun creating the educational documents that were descriptions of the most historical movements in nephrology.
2. Seeing the social media and nephrology community vote on their top 32, 16 and eventually to the final 2 was a lot of fun.
3. This was a great way of promoting nephrology. Yes, the scientists out there might say- no "p" value and there is no data that showed this helped promote nephrology --- it is a passionate project that promoted nephrology in social media world regardless of the measured impact.
4. Here is the unplugged version of Nephmadness that you can find on the eAJKD final review of this mega mission.
5. In addition, Dr Topf gave a GRAND ROUNDS on this topic already and discussed the journey of creating Nephmadness( check it out on his blog) -worth looking at the first PDF.
To all involved in Nephmadness- a special shout out and thank you
To all involved in Nephrology- this is a special tribute to you all- scientists, researchers, clinicians, fellows, and patients.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Topic Discussion: LIK and glomerular diseases
Lymphomatous infiltration of the kidney(LIK) is not an uncommon finding in many liquid malignancies. Majority of cases present with AKI or sonogram findings suggestive of this entity. Some cases have been described of this entity presenting as a glomerular disease. One study of 18 patients, 10 had glomerular pathology associated with LIK.(most of them had leukemias and lymphomas)
The classic were immune complex mediated:- MPGN, Membranous
Others had paraprotein related AL Amyloidosis, LCDD
Two had MCD and one had crescentic pauci immune GN.
Clearly, this association of LIK and glomerular diseases is important and one to keep cause and association in mind.
The classic were immune complex mediated:- MPGN, Membranous
Others had paraprotein related AL Amyloidosis, LCDD
Two had MCD and one had crescentic pauci immune GN.
Clearly, this association of LIK and glomerular diseases is important and one to keep cause and association in mind.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Topic Discussion: Plain water intake and CKD
A recent article published in the Am J of Nephrology raises an interesting question- does drinking more plain water benefit CKD or renal disease? This was a study of analysis of the NHANES database.
Over 3000 patients reviewed and 13% had CKD and 18% had cardiovascular disease.
CKD turned out to be the highest amongst the lowest plain water drinkers( <2 liters/day) and lowest in the highest water drinkers( >4.5L/day).
The authors suggest a protective effect of plain water intake. Unclear what the mechanism of this might be. Two years ago, the Australians had shown a similar finding. In their study, they showed that increased fluid intake was protective for CKD. Increased urine volume might be protective for progression of CKD. Even the lay press in NYTimes took notice of these findings and had a blog post on this very topic.
What is the mechanism for this? Any thoughts, could this be ADH related? or flow related?
Over 3000 patients reviewed and 13% had CKD and 18% had cardiovascular disease.
CKD turned out to be the highest amongst the lowest plain water drinkers( <2 liters/day) and lowest in the highest water drinkers( >4.5L/day).
The authors suggest a protective effect of plain water intake. Unclear what the mechanism of this might be. Two years ago, the Australians had shown a similar finding. In their study, they showed that increased fluid intake was protective for CKD. Increased urine volume might be protective for progression of CKD. Even the lay press in NYTimes took notice of these findings and had a blog post on this very topic.
What is the mechanism for this? Any thoughts, could this be ADH related? or flow related?
topic discussions,
Friday, May 3, 2013
Which one of these are causes of distal renal tubular acidosis? ( click all that apply)
All of the above causes have been associated with distal RTA. The most common is Sjogren's syndrome and one to always consider with dRTA. Chemotherapy agents and other rheumatic diseases are known causes as well.
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All Posts
- Consult Rounds: Vancomycin induced renal toxicity
- In The News: Patients know better
- Open access journals: is this the future? Or not?
- GVHD after Kidney transplantation? Can this happen?
- IN the NEWS: The Ott Kidney
- Nephmadness going along way!!
- Topic Discussion: LIK and glomerular diseases
- Topic Discussion: Plain water intake and CKD