A recent study appeared as an Article in Press on
May 2, 2014 in the American Journal of
Kidney Diseases (AJKD) entitled “Prospective Analysis of
After-Hour Pages to Nephrology Fellows.” This was an audit of the after
hour pages received by 6 nephrology fellows at the University of Rochester,
lasting for 61 days and recording 615 after hour pages. This study was prompted
by the underwhelming interest in nephrology fellowship, as demonstrated by 44%
of nephrology programs that participated in the National Resident Matching
Program being unmatched in 2014.
The results demonstrated
that fellows had to return to the hospital on 64% of overnight calls, most after
hour pages did not require any modification of the current patient care plan,
and 50% of the after hour pages occurred after 10pm. Only approximately one
third of the nights allowed for the ACGME-recommended 5 hour minimum of
uninterrupted sleep.
This study implies that
after hour pages are a major deterrent to those that are considering the field
of nephrology. Concern over declining nephrology fellowship applicants has been
an area of active interest that has been addressed in several studies as well
as an American Society of Nephrology task force. Shah et.al surveyed 204 US adult nephrology fellows
and found that the three top reasons why fellows were somewhat, slightly, or
not at all satisfied with their career choice included poor income potential
after graduation, poor job opportunities after graduation, and long work hours .
Jhaveri et.al performed a survey of 714
internal medicine subspecialty fellows and when asked about what they did not
like in nephrology, 35% felt that dialysis and transplant patients were too
complicated, and another approximately 30% felt they did not have any role models
in the field. The burden of after hour pages did not seem to be a factor in
either of these studies.
Most other internal
medicine high acuity subspecialties likely receive a similar number of after
hour pages. The overnight consults
likely involve the cardiology and gastroenterology services as well, since
these fields also have urgent procedures and interventions that may need to be
performed emergently overnight. A survey
of these fellows may yield the same results with frustration in after hour
pages, although in our institution the cardiology fellowship program utilizes
an in-house call model, so the frustration with after hour pages is likely to
be different. That
being said, only 4.6% of gastroenterology programs and 1.6% of cardiovascular
fellowship programs went unfilled, compared with the 44% of nephrology
programs cited above. Further studies should be performed in order to determine
this disparity.
Dwindling interest in
nephrology needs to continue to be investigated. As the population continues to age and
comorbid diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension become more and
more prevalent, there will be a rapidly expanding need for nephrologists.
Clearly, the lack of fellowship applicants is a multifaceted problem with far
reaching effects. Although the burden of after hour pages may play a part in
frustration, there are likely to be a number of other factors that play a role
in the increasing dissatisfaction within the field.
Anonymous Fellow in a US based Nephrology Fellowship
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