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Friday, November 27, 2020

2020: What a year for Nephrology

As we enter the end of 2020( finally), we are starting to see some hope for the vaccines as a lifeline as we enter the rising COVID-19 surge.  For nephrology, 2020 has been a positive and negative year. 

Let's start with the negatives:
1. Covid19 led to development of more AKI than we had imagined and several of those patients dying as a result. Very few survived the RRT-related AKI
2. Our dialysis patients had a tough battle leading to an increased mortality
3. Many transplant centers were on hold and several on the wait list had a high mortality and so did some of our transplant patients.
4. All conferences and meetings were virtual( taking away the networking opportunity for many)
5. All fellowship interviews went virtual( hard to assess candidates candidly)
6. Research ( non covid19) came to a halt and or was interrupted 

But there is a silver lining to the COVID19 pandemic for nephrology:

1. Increased data and outcomes research on AKI as a result of the pandemic
2. Rise of HOME dialysis ( which was dormant for years) came more to the forefront( including acute PD)
3. Rise of the Nephrologists as front line COVID19 warriors leading to perhaps more applications this year
4. SGLT2i studies infiltrating NEJM multiple times making a mark on diabetic and non diabetic kidney disease
5. Novel therapeutics in autoimmune renal diseases are on a rise
6. Virtual conferences allowed for more quicker and swifter transfer of knowledge ( and more attendance)
7. Collaboration on research rose super fast with trials such as STOP-COVID
8. Gender and Ethnic diversity was evident in Kidney week this year and kept it's strength in 2020
9. More incentives and compensations increases for nephrologists will reign in 2021
10. Increase interest in subspecialization in Nephrology