Showing posts with label education. peritoneal dialysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. peritoneal dialysis. Show all posts

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Topic Discussion: Acute Peritoneal Dialysis during COVID-19

 As the NYC area had seen surge of cases in all health systems in March, April, May 2020, need for creative solutions to do dialysis was essential. NYU and Weill Cornell in NYC were two centers that really pioneered this method during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This manuscript published in Kidney360 highlights 39 acute catheter placements and use of PD in the acute setting. Almost 40% even had recovery of AKI. 

Here is the Cornell data of 11 patients published in KI reports, 6 patients recovered.

Two concerns that most would have is:

1. Entering the rooms to do cycler and exchanges.
2. Can PD be done in prone ventilation as proning helped COVID19 patients recover?

See this picture from the NYU series

The figure shows placement of the cycler outside the ICU room and using longer connectors. Drain bags were used to obliviate use of drain line. The room was also HEFA filtered for airborne isolation.

Another series of patients in NYU was published in PD International on how they were able to do successful PD in vented patients with proning. Although the mortality was 100%, the venting was not effected and relative clearance was good. 

Perhaps, the silver lining of COVID19 related AKI-- return of Acute PD...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

In the NEWS: The New Kidney Health Order

Few weeks ago, there was an executive order signed to advance kidney health in the US. This is an historic event for the field of Nephrology and for kidney patients. The above image is a visual abstract that summarizes the changes that might be coming in 2020. This image is courtesy of Dr Tejas Desai @nephondemand

The goal of this order is to increase home dialysis options, increase organ transplantation and promote kidney health and keep patients "away from dialysis".  In addition, several incentives have been built in to allow for improved compensation for physicians and what looks like better options for patients. What does this mean for Nephrology?- Time will tell but this is a huge improvement in terms of patient care and patient choices. Hope this also sparks some more interest in the field of nephrology where we are still struggling for trainees.

Monday, January 10, 2011

PD University = HD university

Check out the updated website and latest listings of Peritoneal Dialysis teaching sessions for fellows: now called Home Dialysis University ( PD university). The website is listed below and added to part of our popular links

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